Support the Conservation Covenant - Stop the SFPR

To the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN LEGISLATURE ASSEMBLED this PETITION of British Columbia voters and other concerned citizens humbly showeth: Whereas the proposed South Fraser Perimeter Road development raises many concerns and these include the loss of habitat for rare and endangered animals, increased human health problems, loss of agriculture land and heritage communities and homes. The United Nations Report issued December 7, 2007 states that 3 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases comes from the destruction of peatlands. The most cost-effective way to reduce these greenhouse gases is to immediately stop the destruction of peatlands likes Burns Bog. Some 700 scientists from 28 nations at the INTECOL International Wetlands Conference in Brazil, July 20, 2008, state the destruction of wetlands 'could release a planet-warming "carbon bomb."' This proposed South Fraser Perimeter Road could place Canada and the Province of British Columbia in contravention of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the UN COnvention on CLimate Change, which Canada is, a signatory if this road goes through. This could place Canada and British Columbia open to prosecution. Therefore be it resolved that we the undersigned request that the South Fraser Perimeter Road be moved. We hope that your HONOURABLE HOUSE may be pleased to pass the necessary legislation to move the road and protect Burns Bog and future generations.