Support a Peaceful Protest Against Abuse
To The Secretary General of the United Nations: We are formulating a National day of peaceful protest against worldwide domestic violence, violence against women and child abuse in all its aspects. Current laws do not adequately address this pandemic and penalties do not fit the crimes. We are speaking for those who can not and for those who have long since been silenced. Our children deserve a future free from violence. Our target goal is one hundred thousand signatures and our target date is June 1, 2008. To be delivered to the United Nations. The actual date of the protest to be determined at a later date, but we are hoping for sometime next summer. WE the people of the world wish to be heard and we believe that the UN is the appropriate venue. We are asking you, as the Secretary General, to represent this worthy and noble cause in front of all the Nations of the world and for it to be taken very seriously and represented adequately. With fervor and passion. This worldwide pandemic of violence against women, children, elderly, disabled and unable, must end. For the future of all mankind. We respectfully await your response.