Stop Pesticide/Herbicide Spraying!
Stop TheSpray 0

Stop Pesticide/Herbicide Spraying!

731 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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731 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We Support Our Foresty Industry and families. We do NOT support Spraying. Spraying Poison is obviously WRONG. Stop Spraying, Start Hiring ! Manually and mechanically thinning forests creates more jobs than spraying and saves the environment. A Win-Win situation all around! We are telling our Government and the Foresty Industry it is NOT ACCEPTABLE to spray herbicides on our forests and wildlife, people and homes. For more information, contact To do something right now, write a letter to your local press, radio/newspapers etc. Contact the woodlot owners in your area and ask them to switch to FSC forestry..forestry that does not believe in chemicals!! Ask them to not spray near our communities. Call or Email the Minister of Environment, Mark Parent, and tell him we don\'t want spraying anymore! Its banned in other areas, we want it banned here...We pay taxes, we put these people into office, we need them to step up and we deserve to be protected! Spread the word! {PS- once you hit SIGN PETITION you might get a page asking for money.. this money request is not from us and doesn\'t go to us..this is just something this website does; you can just close the window or to see if your signature made it, just hit the back key, then click up above on SIGNATURES.}

Sponsor Stop the Spray - anyone against forestry herbicides such as VISION and other herbicides/ pesticides. We are just regular people who don\'t believe in spraying poison on the earth, farmers, clerks, cashiers, doctors, teachers, even responsible woodlot owners! Contact us, or contact the Sierra Club or the Ecology Action Center for more info!


For More Information on pesticide/herbicide spraying, Check out and click on the labels/msds to see some of the effects the products have on the enviroment! This is the same company that made Agent Orange. Do a search on google about glyphosate! Check out the Public Health Agency of Canada and see what they say about pesticides causing children cancer! Health Effects: Your Voice Counts!! Tell the government today!!
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