Delete Facebook Timeline

The new Facebook timeline is a massive intrusion to someone's privacy. Facebook is making more and more information public. It is appalling at what they wish to do. Random strangers on the internet might have the ability to uncover plenty of personal, and sometimes embarrassing information about you. This is not fair to casual users of Facebook who simply use it to reconnect with friends. Facebook timeline makes their personal data that they intended to be shared with FRIENDS only uploaded for everyone to see. What's the defence against this? The following is taken from a post on Lifehacker: http://lifehacker.com/5868411/how-to-use-facebooks-new-timeline-feature-and-hide-your-embarrassing-old-posts "Remember, though, you have 7 days before the Timeline goes public, so if you did want to dig in and go through every year, you could at least spread the work over a few days." Excuse me: "SPREAD THE WORK OVER A FEW DAYS"???!?!?!? ThIS IS NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO SPEND DAYS REMOVING INFORMATION THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE SHARED WITH JUST FRIENDS. STOP FACEBOOK TIMELINE! The creator of this petition is not a troll, and will make sure that Facebook administrators hear of this.