Voice of the masses To Stop Violence against Women in NCT of Delhi! Voice of the masses To Stop Violence against Women in NCT of Delhi! Voice of the m
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Charter of Demands
Voice of the masses
To Stop Violence against Women in NCT of Delhi!
As citizens of this country, we the undersigned believe that it is the right of every woman to have ‘safe’ access to all public spaces, at anytime of the day and night around the country. We affirm our belief that relevant mechanisms of the central and state governments need to be accountable and responsive in realization of our rights to safety and security at all times.
In light of the increasing incidences of sexual assault and sexual violence against women in the recent days in the National Capital Region Territory, especially the one in Gurgaon, it is unacceptable that the state administration in defending their slowness of response and apathetic attitudes to the crime chooses to shift the responsibility onto the women victims.
In particular, reference is being made to the incident that happened in front of the Sahara mall, Gurgaon on March 13, 2012, where a 23 year old woman was gang-raped by seven men. The police helpline 100 had received a call from the brother of the victim reporting the case of abduction and fearing sexual assault. The police traced the cell phone of the concerned woman that was answered by one of the abductors who also said the woman was with them and that they were dropping her back home. The police did not see the need to further follow up on the case of reported abduction and take immediate actions which could have prevented the heinous crime inflicted on the young woman. Instead, the state administration issued a statement post the crime by Deputy Commissioner, P.C.Meena, which was later retracted on March 15, 2012. The urgency of the matter was not taken into account and this should be seen as a clear dereliction of duty.
We strongly condemn this inaction from the Gurgaon police, and the insensitive comments of the Deputy Commissioner.
We, thus, demand the following:
1. Immediate and strict action against the concerned police official (who attended the call) on grounds of dereliction of duty, for the aforesaid incident.
2. State agencies should stop 'blaming the victim' and shift the responsibility onto the state agencies mandated to protect women’s rights. They should refrain at all times from making any gender-insensitive statements and character assault of women. Strict actions should be taken against such statements be made in the public sphere. We demand respect and dignity of all women.
3. The Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for sexual assault cases should be drafted with immediate effect and ensure that support from relevant other service providers (government & non-government) be effectively implemented in every case thereon. The SOPs should also ensure strict adherence for procedures to be followed and address any violations with strict actions thereon. Immediate actions against relevant police personnel on dereliction of duty should be made mandatory. Fast Track Courts on cases of Sexual Assault for immediate redressal and effective justice delivery to be ensured.
4. The Government must ensure procedures for accountability in all workplace to follow strict safety mechanism in reference to Vishakha Guidelines.
5. Ensure effective and immediate response from help lines like 100 and 1091. Mechanisms to regularly monitor calls and response should be put to immediate effect
6. Immediate and sustainable preventive mechanisms should be designed and adopted in the National Capital Territory Region, which can act as a deterrent to future such incidences. This should also include, increasing the frequency of the patrolling of the PCR vans and increased traffic vigilance in all areas.
7. Police officers need to demonstrate greater sensitivity towards all such cases and undertake gender trainings and follow gender sensitive normative standards.
We urge you to respond to our concerns and demands at earliest.
Citizens charter