Strongly Regulate Smoking On Campus
Smoking on campus isn't just a problem for the people with the cigarette in their hand, its a problem for the people walking by them.Secondhand smoke kills approximately 45,400 people each year in the U.S. alone. In the U.S., medical bills (extra medical care, sickness, & death) associated with secondhand smoke equate to over $10 billion each year.
As of July 1st, 2012, due to House Enrolled Act 1149, smoking in any IU owned facility or within 8 feet of entrance is a illegal and citable offense. This law coincides with the law already on campus, which states that no individual is allowed to smoke in building or on campus.
What I would like this petition to do is get the IU campus police, who is in charge of criminal activity on campus,strongly enforce the law stated above and write the citations, totaling $150, for each person smoking in an illegal location. I have not seen, or heard of anyone receiving a ticket for smoking on campus, but I see people smoking everyday. Sometimes even right next to a "Smoking Is Prohibited On Campus" sign.
This petition should not only enforce prohibiting smoking on campus, but it should also encourage smokers to either A. break the habit of smoking. Or B. smoke on city owned streets or sidewalks, and not the IUPUI campus
Thank you.