Please, PIXAR: a Studebaker in "Cars 2"

WHEREAS Pixar Animation Studios is the creator of the world's greatest animated car movie, CARS, and WHEREAS Pixar has announced the coming of the sequel CARS 2 in 2011/2012, and WHEREAS the movie CARS 2 is said to be global in its story line, and WHEREAS the world's longest running vehicle manufacturing company (1852-1966) was and still is STUDEBAKER, and WHEREAS Studebakers were sold and remain popular in the US, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, South America, Australia and beyond, and WHEREAS Pixar surely must wish to include vehicles in CARS 2 that have great character and visual personality, and WHEREAS the nearly 13,000 worldwide members of the Studebaker Drivers Club are anxious to pony up their dollars, pounds, Euros, etc. for CARS 2 theater tickets, DVDs and merchandise for tens of thousands of family and friends...especially if a Studebaker-based character is in the film, THEREFORE the STUDEBAKER DRIVERS CLUB and its proud members around the world enthusiastically petition Pixar Animation Studios and its talented creative team to INCLUDE A STUDEBAKER in CARS 2...coming to a theater near everyone in 2011 (or 2012, depending on what blog one reads).