Stanford Climate Change Campaign
The Stanford Climate Change Campaign asks the University to commit itself to the fight against global warming with the following steps: 1) Adopt an official stance on climate change by creating a unified policy and emissions reduction plan for the university 2) Reduce total greenhouse gas emissions by 10% from 1990 levels by 2020 3) Complete the formal climate inventory, currently underway, no later than the end of academic year 2006-2007 4) Maintain active student, faculty, and staff involvement throughout the process 5) Take measurable strides in implementing on-campus renewable energy generation by the beginning of academic year 2007-2008 (solar hot water systems installed, photovoltaic systems installed, wind turbines constructed) 6) Develop a long-term plan for climate neutrality As an institution of higher learning and a global citizen, Stanford University has the responsibility to demonstrate leadership by cutting its own greenhouse gas emissions. This would signal that institutions of higher learning care about this issue and are willing to take concrete steps to deal with it. Indeed, other leading universities have already adopted progressive policies to cut their emissions and