By signing this petition, as a citizen of the State of New York, I make known my opposition to taking tuition dollars away from the State University of New York (SUNY) and instead using it to fix the state’s deficit. I believe it was wrong for the State of New York to take 90% ($279) of the spring 2009 tuition increase and I do not support any future attempt to take tuition dollars away from SUNY campuses. I believe it is wrong for the State of New York to again take 80% ($496) of the 2009-2010 academic year tuition increase, as put forth in the Governor's 2009-2010 Executive Budget Proposal. I believe that by taking these tuition dollars now, and planning to take additional tuition dollars in the future, the State of New York violates the trust of thousands of New Yorkers who worked hard to afford a quality, public higher education. Tuition dollars are collected by SUNY, for SUNY. For legislators to sweep those dollars into the general fund is an additional tax on the future workforce of this state. I believe that by imposing this additional tax on students, the Governor breaks his promise that every New Yorker will have to do their fair share during these times of economic hardship. After $210 million of reductions in state support to SUNY even before these tuition increases, it is clear that only students are now being asked to contribute much more than their fair share. Finally, I implore the Governor and the Legislature to understand that by investing in SUNY, you invest in New York.