I Support the Sherbrook Bike Lane

On June 8th, the City of Winnipeg's City Centre Community Committee will be deciding on a motion to remove the stretch of Sherbrook between Ellice and Cumberland from the city's Active Transportation Network. If this motion is successful, it would block the installation of a part time bike lane (7:00am - 7:30pm) on this critical stretch of roadway that serves as a vital connection to the Health Sciences Complex.
Ther Sherbrook/Maryland corridor is a key spoke in the city's AT network, accounting for up to 2000 bicycle trips a day. The proposed bike lanes on Maryland/Sherbrook will be a significant benefit for cyclists, increasing cyclist safety and comfort. But the benefits don't stop there. By encouraging more people to choose their bike over their car, the Sherbrook bike lane will leave more money to be spent on housing, food and recreation within our community. And that benefits everyone!
As my city councillor, I urge you to PLEASE support bike lanes on Sherbrook. On June 8th, please vote AGAINST the motion to remove the section of Sherbrook (between Ellice and Cumberland) from the cycling network.
More information on the Sherbrook/Maryland bike lanes at Bike to the Future's website.