Call for Prime Minister to say NO to backbencher calls for cuts to onshore Windfarms. Say YES to Windfarms.

February 6, 2012
101 Tory MPs have recently written to the Prime Minister demanding that the subsidies paid to the onshore wind turbine industry are dramatically cut.
These backbenchers, joined by some MPs from other parties, have also called on Mr Cameron to tighten up planning laws so local people have a better chance of stopping new farms being developed.
We, the undersigned, reject and challenge this. We call on Prime Minister Cameron to reaffirm Government support for investment and deployment of onshore wind renewables, thereby safeguarding and creating jobs, guaranteeing future energy security and cutting our carbon emissions.
Wind power supplied an average of 5.3% of the UK's demand for electricity for December 2011 and early January 2012, reaching a record share of 12.2% on 28th December. As a result, carbon emissions from the UK's electricity generators were cut by over 750,000 tonnes, equivalent to taking over 300,000 cars off the road.
We urge the Prime Minister to continue strong support to this critical area of the UK’s energy mix. The Government needs to strengthen its support, development and deployment of onshore wind renewables. Say YES to Windfarms and NO to backbencher calls for cuts.
Mr Cameron has positioned his as "The Greenest Government ever"; this attack on onshore wind farms positions his government as potentially the most damaging to the green economy ever.