New Yorkers seek swimmable/fishable water quality!

We, the undersigned, are residents of (or visitors to) New York City who deserve local water quality that meets the federal Clean Water Act’s "fishable/swimmable" goal and would provide a full spectrum of recreational and economic opportunities in/on our marine environment. Although our harbor is much cleaner than it used to be, raw sewage and polluted urban runoff still frequently make it unsafe to touch the water in our rivers, bays, and creeks. In a typical year, 27 billion gallons of untreated human sewage mixed with polluted runoff are dumped into local waterways in all five boroughs through Combined Sewer Overflow.
We call on New York City, New York State, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to adopt enforceable plans that manage stormwater in NYC with Green Infrastructure. By creating a verdant, permeable city, we utilize stormwater as a resource, not a waste! Green Infrastructure will keep our waterways clean, cool and clean the air, and create a healthier place for people to live, work, recreate and visit.
We, the undersigned, demand “swimmable and fishable” waterways.