Petition Against T. Don Hutto Detention Center

WHEREAS the detention of women and children at T. Don Hutto Residential Facility in Taylor, Texas is not related to any accusation of harm or threat to anybody in the United States or elsewhere, AND WHEREAS Hutto is operated by a prison corporation, The Corrections Corporation of America, AND WHEREAS Hutto functions as a prison, from the uniforms of the inmates to the barbed-wire surrounding it, according to accounts from a wide variety of media and eyewitnesses, AND WHEREAS inmates have complained to the media, to attorneys, and to private citizens about inhumane conditions at Hutto, AND WHEREAS media access to Hutto has been sporadic and limited without justification, AND WHEREAS the right to live where one wants is a basic human right whose exercise ought not to be criminalized, WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DEMAND (1) That the United States government shut down T. Don Hutto Residential Facility, (2) That the inhabitants of Hutto be given full legal rights and not be deported or imprisoned again, (3) That none of the families at Hutto be separated, and that the reunion of Hutto residents with other family members elsewhere be allowed, (4) That the practice of jailing civilians for immigration charges cease, AND (5) That the United States government immediately review its practice of contracting imprisonment out to private companies.