TDU2 Hardcore Mode Handling Physics

We, the undersigned, disagree with (and are somewhat shocked to learn that) the developers of Test Drive Unlimited 2 "are currently pretty happy with the way [the physics] works out." We understand that a number of players are happy with the current setup and do not wish to make things worse for them; instead we only want hardcore mode to be made more realistic and predictable, in combination with proper force feedback. Hardcore mode in TDU1, while not perfect, was much better than what we have now, and was designed to be used with Steering Wheel controllers. PC players could enjoy the open world of TDU1 for 3-4 years because of the fun of driving whatever we wanted, however we wanted, with few content updates (although modding helped). We see the developers plans to release more content as futile if the core physics make the game near-unplayable for many of us. We propose another BETA and forum be setup to facilitate testing + open, detailed two-way communication between the developers assigned with improving these elements and the players who care deeply about the "Drive" aspect more than the "Unlimited" aspect of TDU2. Ryzza5 tdu-central.com