The GODMother Pledge
Show your support by signing this petition now

people have signed. Add your voice!

From my growing awareness
that I am part of a rising tide of Oneness on Earth,
I pledge, to the best of my ability,
to be a true Sister-Mirror for other women,
Nurturing the Oneness within them
by noticing and reflecting their wholeness,
Nurturing the Oneness within me
by committing to my own growth and evolution
Nurturing the Oneness of all creation
by aligning all that I think, feel and do with the greater good.
This petition is an organic emergence from the dedicated work of many women's and community organizations, including the Santa Barbara Conscious Evolution community, Gather the Women Global Matrix, Evolutionary Women, LightPages Connectory, Circle Connections, Imagine the Good, We are Enough, and The GODMother Project.