Petition for No Change for MLS

We, the undersigned, request that no changes be made to the boundaries of Meriwether Lewis Elementary in the current redistricting process.
Meriwether Lewis students are consistently top performers in standard assessments. Presently, the average class size is 19 students, and an unused classroom sits empty. Enrollment at Meriwether Lewis has varied less than 2% over the past six years, with a notable decline of 12 students in 2012. Our designation as an “overcrowded school” is merely the result of a new “program capacity” formula, not an increase in our student numbers. We are pleased with the quality of instruction and the facilities.
Earlier this year, at the request of the school, PTO funds were used to purchase laptop computers, allowing the former computer lab to convert to a classroom. Our use of PTO funds to support optimization of the school's physical space indicates our commitment to the quality of our children's education and our dedication to the school community. In short, we feel that our facility is adequate for our student population, and we have financially supported the school's choices regarding the use of space.
In light of our satisfaction with the school's current status, and the high likelihood that growth in other areas of the county will necessitate a larger, multi-school redistricting in the next 3-5 years, the option to “Change Nothing at MLS” represents the most fiscally conservative option and causes the least negative impact on families and students for the next several years.