The Civil and Human Rights Community Formal Petition To: High Commissionaire for Human Rights, United Nation, Geneva Switzerland

I have spent more than half my life engaged in criminal justice work. It took almost all of that time to exhaust systems of remedies that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights embrace. Now we are standing on the verge of International Intervention at the United Nation High Commissionaire for Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland. And we shall keep engaging in the Civil Rights Community special status with the United Nation as an effective remedy until Justice prevails.
“Justice denied anywhere diminishes justiceeverywhere.”-Martin Luther King Jr. -
While this Phenomenon has been very evident with regards to the ruling class and their aspiring class allies in both the English-speaking areas as well as those colonized by the Spanish, French, Dutch and Portuguese in the Caribbean and Latin America, It is even more pronounced in the United States of America. During the era of Chattel slavery the price that our people paid for identifying with African often was death! In Africa, it could cost the enslaved African his tongue, his life, or both; cultural and spiritual tied, let alone attempts at political unification, were brutally discouraged. And yet our people historically resisted their oppressors; and pockets of traditional culture were maintained throughout the western hemisphere, even until today.
The historical record shows that all independent efforts by Africans within the U.S. to identify with their brethren in Africa in mutually reciprocal projects aimed toward self-determination, self-reliance, self-sufficiency and self-sustaining process of development have been systematically destroyed or redirected to best suit the axiomatic "interests" of foreign colonial or neo-colonial governments and private business enterprises. Occasionally there were attempts to manifest the ultimate identification with Africa through repatriation movements. And although for many racist white folks to "send 'em back to Africa" was constant with their premise of "America-love it or leave it," any such move on the part of Africans within the U.S. to repatriate were either hypocritically thwarted or similarly redesigned to primarily serve the interest of the U.S. Government and perpetuate the exploitation of Africa (to witness: the American Colonization Society and the founding of the "Republic" of Liberia as a client state for "traditional U.S. market").
Through the 1920s on up until the 1940s we witnessed the obstruction of extraordinary efforts of the Garvey movement by the U.S. Justice Department to destroy the foremost Black Nationalist movement within the U.S. to establish a triangular trade and development programs between those of us in the U.S., the Caribbean and Africa. In the '50s we saw the harassment, red-baiting and proscribing of the travels of Paul Robeson. The early '60s exposed the sending of Black leaders to follow Malcolm X through Africa in a spurious attempt to refute his exposing of human rights violations in the U.S. subsequently, there have been efforts (some being currently utilized today) where the U.S. Government has consistently tried to disrupt durable contacts between radical African leaders in the U.S. and Africa. In as much as Africans in America are economically, socially, educationally and health assaulted by a system of domination, consigning them to a "separate but equal" status that accelerated economic, education and health gaps between whites and Black American.
It is within my rights as a friend, Civil and Human Rights Activist to submit this Complaint in association with my colleagues, on behalf of Reverend Dr. Malachi Z. York. There is no greater responsibility or obligation than to come to the aid of a friend in need. The Rev. Dr. York and I have made it our life long mission to help people, and now he needs our help. From the time that Africans were first enslaved in the Western Hemisphere it has been clear that among many Europeans, there has been a conspicuous effort to cause dissension, mistrust and alienation among those western-born African people with their brethren in their Motherland African.
And in as much as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that "Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by laws. Moreover, America's system of domination is currently controlling and manipulating group of people, racially and disproportionately within its inmate prison population, via the "Prison Industrial Complex." And last, however, not least, Black people are entitled to reparations for the denial of the opportunities associated with the United States never actually implementing the separate but equal doctrine. The lack of implementation, whether intentional or negligent, constitutes the damage requiring compensation; therein laid the basis for the Civil and Human Rights Community formal petition to the High Commissionaire for Human Rights at the United Nation, in Geneva Switzerland.