National Steelpan Week from August 24- 31, 2012

World Steelpan Music Performance and Gathering. An open letter to the Honourable Prime Minister and Minister of Arts and Culture Mr Winston Peters to host a World Steelpan Musical Performance! The Consulate General to Canada was sent this proposal, for commemoration and celebration of Trinidad and Tobago on August 31st, 2012. Our Golden Year of Independence certainly a historical land-mark as a Nation. In 1962 the year of Independence the government did not declare the Steel Pan the National Instrument. It was not until 1992, the Steelpan became the National Instrument of Trinidad and Tobago. In tribute and to comemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Independence of Trinidad and Tobago. I propose that Steelbands and Steel Pan Players World-wide gather to perform the official version of the National Anthem of T&T, as a tribute to the People of Trinidad and Tobago! The Land of the Steel Pan. This event will raise awareness to the true origin of the Steelpan and its symbolism to Freedom and Cultural Expression. The Steel Pan Instrument is as symbolic as the Statue of Liberty. Since the 6th century BC when Pythagoras the Greek Father of Mathematics, calculated and established the musical cycle of fourths fifths in music,, the Steel Pan is the only musical instrument to follow this configuration, spread the word over the world, please, gather in the 'mecca of Pan; Trinidad to pay tribute the 20th century's only Musical invention. To the Government of the Repuiblic of T&T Please declare August 24 - 31 2012, National Steel Pan Week in Trinidad and Tobago and with International participation and support from Steel Bands and Steel Pan players. THEPANPIPER!