T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak!

For a High School English project I had chose to cover stereotypes and how they affect youth. We all know stereotypes and we all know the same ones. Questions like "where do they come from and how are they being taught to us?" were few of many that I had. It is now week six and I have gathered so much information. I had conducted a survey and I have found that 87% of the people that took my survey said that they have witnessed stereotypes in Reality/Public this including social media. I have also found that 91.3% of people that took my survey use stereotypes. Well now I'm out to change those results for future purposes. I want people to pledge to T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak! T.H.I.N.K. means to think…
T- is it True?
H- is it Helpful?
I- is it Inspiring?
N- is it Necessary?
K- is it Kind?
If people T.H.I.N.K. before they speak people came overcome not just stereotypes, but bullying too!