Tired of the West End summer parking nightmare?

Please join us in asking the city council to re-visit the West End resident parking proposal recommended by consultants in 2007 and 2008.
The signers of this petition call on the City Council of Long Beach to re-examine the recommendations of the 2008 West End Parking Study and the 2007 City of Long Beach Comprehensive Plan (Part III page 28), both of which support the implementation of resident parking permits in the West End of Long Beach.
We suggest that the city council form a West End Resident Parking Committee. This Committee would consist of West End homeowners, City Council members and business owners. It is our goal that the committee would jointly address solutions to the worsening parking conditions for residents in our community and come up with a Pilot Resident Parking Plan for the start of the summer of 2013.
Please call 431-1000 x 7200 to reach the members of the City Council.
Cities with Successful Resident Parking Permit Programs
City of Tuscon
City of Phoenix
City of Minneapolis
City of Newport Beach