To Have an Arafes DVD
Bea Zablan 0

To Have an Arafes DVD

3055 signers. Add your name now!
Bea Zablan 0 Comments
3055 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hello, Arashi fans! The objective of this iPetition is to obtain 3,000 signatures.
Arashi fans, please sign up and we can have greater chances of Arafes being released into a DVD!After this, don't forget to share the URL of this petition to other fans. We ask for your favor! avoid signing in the petition more than once. Thank you.

Hola, fans de Arashi! El objetivo de este iPetition es obtener 3,000 firmas. Fan de Arashi, registrate y asípodemos tener más posibilidades de tener un DVD del Arafes! Luego, no te olvides de compartir la URL de esta petición a otros fans.¡Por favor! Por favor, evite firma en la petición más de una vez. Gracias.


嵐的粉絲們, 你好! 這個請願書需要3000個簽字。
嵐粉們, 請你們簽下這個請願書已能讓嵐有機會發行嵐祭「嵐フェス」DVD!
簽了之後, 請別忘了把網址發出去, 讓其他嵐粉們也能夠簽下姓名! 謝謝! 簽了要推哦~這個請願不可以多一次簽署!

岚的粉丝们, 你好!这个请愿书需要3000 个签字。
岚粉们, 请你们签下这个请愿书已能让岚有机会发行岚祭「嵐フェス」DVD!
签了之后, 请别忘了把网址发出去,让其他岚粉们也能够签下姓名! 谢谢! 签了要推哦~这个请愿不可以多一次签署!

Arashi팬들이 안녕하세요! 이 탄원서가 3000개 사인을 필요합니다. 팬들이 이 탄원서에서 서명해 주십시오. 그래서 Arashi는 Arafes DVD를 팔표할 수 있어요. 서명한 후에, 인터넷 주소를 다들 알려주세요!다들 Arashi팬들에게 서명해 주세요. 감사합니다.


Japanese info by aishizuki. Spanish info by anixchan. 1.) Avoid signing anonymously and more than once so that the petition will look more legitimate and accurate when we send it to Johnny's and Associates. It's not only the quantity of the signatures that matters - it should be both the quality and quantity. 2.) The signing in the petition is until November 3, 2012. 3.) There’s NO MONEY involved. If the site asks for money, it’s most likely for the website - you can ignore it if you want, your signature is already listed anyway. However, if you still want to make sure, you can click the Signatures tab of the petition. 4.) Once the petition is done, the plan is to give a hardcopy of the proposal (with the peition list) to JE’s HQ. Hopefully, we can also send them through other means. We’ll keep everyone updated once that it has been sent. 5.) Even if there’s a confirmation of DVD release, we’ll still send it to JE because they need to know the presence of int’l Arashi fans. 6.) If there are any questions, email at 7.) Thank you for everyone who supported the petition and let’s hope that JE will be able to release an Arafes DVD!


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