Letter of apology to Mr Tom Adeyemi from Liverpool FC fanbase

After yet more fiddling we have decided to change the letter one last time. Because the courts will probably be busy with the lad's case for quite a long time, we feel that this gesture should be made as soon as possible.
The letter has been modified such that it is open to either outcome and I have posted it below.
Dear Mr. Adeyemi
I'm writing to you on behalf of the Liverpool fan-base. We wish to offer our sincerest apologies for any words or actions that may have offended you during the recent FA Cup clash at Anfield on January 6th 2012. Any deliberate actions of this nature are not condoned by the club and are considered unacceptable by the Liverpool fan-base in general.
The FA Cup is always a special occasion and, as fans, we thoroughly enjoyed the game that Friday night. We realise that the score line flattered us and were impressed by the endeavour and spirit of Oldham Athletic throughout the contest. You and your fans did yourselves proud from beginning to end. It is unfortunate that this great event was spoiled.
While we wait for the courts to address the incident; we recognise that the event itself was traumatic for you. Whatever the circumstances surrounding the incident, an undeniable fact is that you were clearly and visibly distressed by what occurred.
If it is concluded that the accused did abuse you racially then we would like to emphasise that it is not in the nature of Liverpool supporters in general to racially abuse any opposing player for any reason. We have a long and proud history of looking past the race of our players and of recognising all people for who they are and not what their skin colour, or heritage, is. This is evidenced by our support of a vastly multicultural squad with players from every corner of the world.
It is in this spirit that we wish to apologise deeply and sincerely for anything and everything that the small portion of our clubs followers may have said or done to offend you. We wish you all the best for the remainder of the season, your career and for your family too.
Liverpool Supporters
As always, this is just a draft, so comments are welcome. I will leave the letter open for signatures until tomorrow at 12:00 GMT. Any signatures added after that will not make the final letter.
Thanks to scousedancer for the idea (all credit should go to her), to GrottonRed for volunteering to deliver the letter, to OldRed101 for the final modification idea, and especially to all of you Liverpool supporters who signed the letter.
I am a proud Red today and I will be thanking you all individually.