Tell Topeka, Kansas, Domestic Violence Is Criminal! Reinstate The Law!
Nina Boe 0

Tell Topeka, Kansas, Domestic Violence Is Criminal! Reinstate The Law!

19 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Nina Boe 0 Comments
19 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Tuesday, Oct. 11, Topeka's City Council voted 7 to 3 to repeal the law stating that domestic violence is a crime. Due to cuts to the city's budget, some have felt that the city's services have been strained, and prosecuting domestic violence cases are an added strain to the court system. While domestic violence remains a crime under Kansas state law, it is difficult to imagine that this sort of move couldn't have potentially serious repercussions. In light of today's economy and every state facing strains on their budgets, what kind of message do we send about the things our states do or don't value in times of economic difficulty? Furthermore, could a move like this potentially set a dangerous precedent for other cities to do something likewise? Please sign in urging the Topeka City Council to change their minds, and affirm their support for victims of domestic violence in their city - in all ways, including via their own court system. NY Times: "Facing Cuts, a City Repeals Its Domestic Violence Law" Huffington Post: "Domestic Violence Law Repealed By Lawmakers In Topeka, Kansas"


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