Petition to Allow a Takeout Restaurant to Operate out of Heights Jewish Center Synagogue.

Two female residents of University Heights wish to operate a curbside delivery restaurant out of Heights Jewish Center Synagogue located at 14270 Cedar Rd in University Heights. Because the synagogue shares a parking lot with Purvis Park, some city officials have concern about the proposed traffic flow plan and an assumed conflict with park traffic and the pedestrian traffic from the pool to the parking lot. Petitioners contend that the proposed plan will have minimal impact on the current use of the parking lot. The proposed plan dicatates that all traffic for the restaurant remain between the first section of parking (already reserved for the synagogue) and the synagogue building while park traffic and pedestrian traffic will remain to south side of the first section of parking. By signing below, you are stating that you support the proposed traffic flow plan and recommend that the restaurant be permitted to open.
Please include your address, including city, and your UH recreation pass # if you have one.