KPFA listeners' voices must be heard!

TO: Pacifica Election Supervisor Terry Boricious, KPFA Local Election Supervisor Aharon Morris, and members of the Pacifica National Board
More than a year ago, hundreds of listeners petitioned to recall KPFA/Pacifica representative Tracy Rosenberg, and subsequently more than 1200 listeners demanded the election proceed fairly and without delay. This was our democratic right. Finally, in June, thousands of KPFA members voted on the recall.
But Pacifica's failure to follow its own timeline allowed Rosenberg to block the vote count on a technicality. Our ballots are now in storage and may never be opened. So far, Pacifica's much-admired "listener democracy" has been a joke.
We demand that Pacifica fix its failure by including the recall question in the November 6 Local Station Board election packet being prepared for mailing to all qualified listener-members.
This solution allows for a fair recall referendum and will cost Pacifica virtually nothing. My vote is my voice. Listen!
Rosenberg blocks recall vote count: http://www.savekpfa.org/rosenberg-blocks-recall-vote-count
YES on the KPFA recall: http://www.savekpfa.org/facts-about-the-kpfa-situation/faqrecall
KPFA recall endorsers: http://www.savekpfa.org/facts-about-the-kpfa-situation/faqrecall/kpfa-recall-endorsers