Petition to bring Trader Joe's to Wilmington, NC

As a personal chef in Wilmington I am always asked about resources for shopping and buying products. Sooo many people ask me about Trader Joe's and if it will ever come to our port city...I have heard it is coming, but haven't been able to find out how true this is. I have been in touch with the corporate office and they can neither confirm or deny this rumor.
So, I thought, heck, why not let the fine folks at TJ's know just how many of us here in New Hanover, Pender and Brunswick counties are hankering for some delicious food, wine and competitive prices!
Please sign this petition and show them just how badly we want a TJ's in Wilmington!
You must live in the area to make your vote count. Pass this along to ANYONE and EVERYONE you know locally.
Learn more about sponsor Lori Eaton