Pledge to Support Legislation Enabling Travel to Cuba
As a travel agent or a person allied with the industry, I am contacting my US Representative and Senators to express support for HR 654 and comparable Senate legislation. These bills will end restrictions on the right of American citizens to visit Cuba and of US agencies to book transportation and accommodations. I urge professional and industry organizations that represent us in Washington to lend active support to this legislation.
The Travel Industry Committee on Cuba (TICC) is an informal network of travel agents and their allies. We favor an end to US government restrictions on our right to travel to Cuba and on the ability of American agencies to book transportation and accommodations. Our goal is to mobilize travel agents and other industry professionals to have the same impact on US policy as farmers and agribussiness who opened the door to the sale of American agricultural products to Cuba. TICC is facilitated by the Fund for Reconciliation and Development.
To read the legislation text, go to and type in