UCL Occupation

We are occupying University College London. We stand against fees and devastating cuts to higher education and government attempts to force society to pay for a crisis it didn’t cause. Promises have been broken, the political process has failed and we have been left with no other option. We stand in solidarity with all those fighting these cuts nationally and internationally. These cuts are a product of ideology and not necessity. Join us! We will not leave our occupation until the following demands have been met. Please support the cause by signing the petition below: We, the undersigned: • Support the people currently in occupation of University College London. No victimisation. • Stand against tuition fees and the savage cuts to higher education. • Agree that UCL immediately implement a complete open book policy of its accounts. • Agree that UCL ensure no redundancies for teaching, research or support staff and that it reverses its outsourcing by bringing staff back in house. • Support the full living wage package for all cleaning, catering and security staff with no cuts to hours and jobs.