Pass Referendum Legislation Now

We hear talk of local and national referendums being a priority for the Coalition Government. So far, the only referendum introduced is the one on AV voting, written by the Coalition Government and supported by Nick Clegg.
The Coalition's programme for government states that, " We will ensure that any petition that secures 100,000 signatures will be eligible for debate in Parliament .... we will give residents the power to instigate local referendums on any local issue."
If referendums are meant to be a big part of the current government, why not pass the legislation now? Until the general public can legally create local and national referendums, the Coalition Government cannot fulfil its promise for an open and accountable democracy.
We, the signers of this petition, ask the Coalition Government to introduce legislation creating the legal framework for local and national referendums initiated by the public on any issue. We ask that this legislation be debated in a timely manner and passed by the legislature by the Autumn.