University City Marcy Park Renovation Project

I support the renovation of the University City Marcy Park area. Plans will propose replacement of lost trees and park benches/tables, renovation of the existing play structure to be limited to 1-5 year olds, with the addition of a new play area for older children with their own swings and climbing equipment. All play equipment would blend in with nature, similar to that pictured here, and a shade structure would be added. For adults, stretching & exercise stations with resting benches would be added adjacent to the walking path to create a “healthy heart” trail. Broken water fountains would be fixed and grading would be adjusted to make the park ADA accessible.
PLEASE NOTE: After signing this petition you'll be directed to a donation screen for this petition service. NOT a donation for MARCY PARK, We'll be running a fund raiser after reaching our 200 signature goal.