Animate Old Time Horror Radio Dramas.
Mike Schneider 0

Animate Old Time Horror Radio Dramas.

77 signers. Add your name now!
Mike Schneider 0 Comments
77 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

After completing Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated, a mass-collaborative artistic reinvention of the 1968 cult classic, Neoflux Productions will be taking a similar approach to creating original animated video tracks to accompany old time Horror Radio Dramas. This project, entitled 'Unseen Horror', is being structured as a multiple volume anthology collection with production slated to officially begin in Fall of 2009. This is a twist on the online petition because we, Neoflux Productions, are turning the petition onto ourselves as a means of allowing genre fans to suggest specific OTR Horror Dramas which they would like to see accompanied by animated/ video tracks as well as for people interested in participating/ facilitating the project to sign up for more information on how they can be part of 'Unseen Horror'. If you would like to suggest a specific drama, please include the title and a link to where it can be downloaded in the comment line. In order for a drama to be considered it must meet with the following criteria: - All Suggested Dramas must be in the public domain. - All Suggested Dramas must deal with horror/ chiller/ macabre themes. - All Suggested Dramas must not contain any copy protected characters or content. - All Suggested Dramas must be accompanied with a link to download said drama. If you are an artist, animator, or film maker and would be interested in learning more about taking part in this project, please include the following information within your comments: - Name - Email Address - Medium - Link to Work Sample (if available online) [Note: Submitting your information simply implies that you are interested in hearing more about the project and potentially participating. You will be contacted with more information and have any concerns you may have addressed before deciding if you would be interested in participating.] If you are not an artist, animator, or film maker but would be interested in assisting the project through some other facility, please include the following information within your comments: - Name - Email Address - How could you facilitate the project Thank you for your time and consideration, Mike Schneider Head of Neoflux Productions


Neoflux Productions


This project was first announced during the coverage of Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated on Fatally Yours. "The next project I will be heading is a similar process of mass collaborative animation/ illustration only it will be granting a visual track to old time horror radio shows. Though these classics of yester-year are well written and voiced, they lack the visual stimulation which would help to bring their appeal to a wider audience. Again the audio will be unaltered to remain true to the original however they will also be able to see different artistic interpretations of that radio show presented as animated visual materials. Unlike the barrage of Hollywood remakes, I don’t want to corrupt or even challenge the original media because it has earned its respect. My goal is simply to use the processes available to extend that media to new audiences. Anyone who would be interested in working with me in this process is encouraged to email me at"
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