University of York Students Back the Higher Education Strike

We, students at the University of York, support the industrial action being taken by workers across the University on the 31st October. We recognise it is part of a broader attack on education by the government which has nearly tripled university fees and slashed funding, leading to course closures and lower standards for both students and staff. The 1% pay increase being offered to University staff across the sector is a real-terms pay cut, on top of a 13% effective cut in pay over the past 4 years. Our hard-working university staff deserve better than this. At the same time as workers' pay and conditions is being undermined however, there is a £1bn surplus in the sector and executive pay continues to soar, with the highest paid at York taking home nearly 18 times what the lowest paid worker does, and the Vice Chancellor paid over £250k a year - far more than the Prime Minister and indeed the Minister for Higher Education. We therefore express our solidarity with striking workers in York and across the country on the 31st and will join the picket lines or refuse to attend lectures and seminars on the day to show our support. We call on senior management both in York and nationally to negotiate properly and offer a fair pay deal. ------------------------- A full list of picket sites is available here: http://yorkpeoplesassembly.wordpress.com/2013/10/29/plans-made-for-university-walk-out/ University of York Green Party