Virginia Annual Conference Prayer Covenant

This covenant was originally signed by the Virginia delegation to the Southeastern Jurisdiction in support of Rev. Dr. Cho's leadership throughout the episcopal process. We wish to continue this support of Bishop Cho as he begins his work with the Virginia Annual Conference. Please consider this commitment carefully, and, if you feel so led, add your name to this covenant and join us on this journey. We, the undersigned of the Virginia Annual Conference who have been witness to the movement of the Holy Spirit in the leadership provided by Bishop Young Jin Cho throughout the episcopal process and in support of the beginning of his episcopal leadership here in Virginia, and who recognize that movement as a call in our own lives at this time, do hereby covenant to commit at least an hour each and every day to a spiritual discipline which we feel called to pursue, for at least the first one hundred days of Bishop Cho's leadership. It is our hope that this witness will be shared as an invitation into this commitment to all in the Virginia Annual Conference who might be so inclined. We hereby covenant to hold each other accountable in love by whatever means possible, to share with each other and check in on each other as we feel led and as is possible. We recognize that this is a worthy but difficult practice, a step on our journey toward perfection in love, and that we may often stumble on that journey and in taking this step. We therefore covenant to live in, and remind others of, the hope that we have in Jesus Christ in this pilgrimage, and to continue to pursue each step as it comes before us. With God and each other as our witnesses and partners, this is our covenant.