Let GOA know how we feel!

At popular request I\'ll reword the petition text. Todays fiasco has shown how GOA are not a suitable company to be running a big MMORPG title in Europe. Europe is the biggest player base for games like these. GOA decided to release their European Account Centre on the same day they planned to bring the Open Beta servers up. Even after a community uproar that this was a bad idea, nothing was changed. Today, the account centre supposidly went live at 09:30 Western European time, and since then there has been nothing but problems. People who signed up to the site in the past years, but were not lucky enough to get a spot in the recently ended Closed Beta, had to make a new account. A list of errors: - Timeout errors (414) while trying to sign up. - Database connectivity errors - Authentication Image not showing - Email\'s not arriving / Email\'s being delayed for up to 3 hours - Entered keys being invalid or expired. This petition is to put a number on the actual amount of people not satisfied with this. Some of us paid to get into this Beta. EA and Mythic should atleast be made aware of how GOA is running things. Sign if you feel this is unacceptable. **** Update ****** - People with an account on war-europe.com before the Account Center went live didn\'t need to make a new one, and this was apparently a mistake. Glad they told us that after 7 hours of trying to create a 2nd account.