Support the Reinstatement of Waterbirth in Ireland

The Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services Ireland (AIMS Ireland) has been informed that a review committee will meet next week to discuss the future of Waterbirth in Ireland.
Currently in Ireland, women are only given the option to labour in water. Women must leave the pool to birth their baby.
Evidence surrounding Waterbirth remains inconclusive. There are no increased benefits and no increased risks. However, women report great
satisfaction with Waterbirth.
Outside of Ireland, the informed decision to have a Waterbirth is a care option which is supported by Obstetricians and Midwives.
For example, a joint statement from the Royal College of Midwives and Royal College of Gynaecologists states: “The respect for maternal autonomy and choice is important; however, it is important that any possible concerns for fetal and neonatal safety are made clear. Women who make an informed choice to give birth in water should be given every opportunity and assistance to do so by attendants who have appropriate experience. More research is needed on third-stage management in the pool, as there is currently no reliable evidence that can be used to inform women regarding the benefits and risks of experiencing the third stage of labour under water.”
The RCM has stated Waterbirth is considered not as a matter of Choice but that it is a "Core Midwifery Practice".
AIMS Ireland firmly maintains that the removal of choice is not Best Practice.
Please join us in a petition of support to recognise women's right to informed choice and reinstate Waterbirth services in Ireland.
We the undersigned, support a woman's right to informed choice and support the reinstatement of Waterbirth as a care option for women in Ireland.