We support the ZOA’s letter to the CUNY Chancellor and Board of Trustees

We support the ZOA’s letter to the CUNY Chancellor and Board of Trustees: Jewish Students are Entitled to a Safe, Respectful & Nondiscriminatory Learning Environment
To CUNY Chancellor James Milliken and Members of the CUNY Board of Trustees:
We support the Zionist Organization of America’s letter to you and urge you to take the steps that the ZOA has recommended:
(1) Publicly condemn the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) group for its hateful, divisive, violence-inciting, and anti-Semitic actions;
(2) Investigate the SJP for violations of CUNY rules and policies, and if the evidence shows that rules and policies have been violated, revoke the SJP’s registered status;
(3) Mandate that the SJP complete training on anti-Semitism in all its manifestations today;
(4) Investigate the SJP’s funding sources, to confirm that all funds are being lawfully obtained; and
(5) Publicly call for zero tolerance for anti-Semitism at CUNY, and educate the CUNY community about the many forms that anti-Semitism takes today, including anti-Israelism and anti-Zionism that cross the line into anti-Semitism, according to the definition used by the U.S. State Department.
Jewish and pro-Israel students – like all students – are entitled to a safe, respectful and nondiscriminatory learning environment. The SJP does not deserve a place on any CUNY campus until it can demonstrate that it will respect and abide by the rules and standards that apply to everyone else.
View the full text of ZOA's letter here.