We want Adam Lambert performing in Countdown 2016

Dear event organisers. We the moral majority of Singapore utterly denounce and condemn the obvious sexual orientation discrimination demonstrated by the other petition on this site that is against Adam Lambert performing in Countdown 2016.
Please allow Adam Lambert to perform in Countdown 2016 to demonstrate to the whole world that Singapore is a country that shuns discrimination and promotes diverse inclusive points of view.
Not far to go now until we smash through the original target set by the opposing petition. Even though we started two days after we have passed their total. Onward Singapore! Majulah Singapura!
The opposing petition are anti family and anti Singaporean values because their discrimination harms family members. We support real family values and real Singaporean values by being modern and inclusive.
The groups "Singaporeans United for Family" and Singapore "Focus on the Family" have been promoting discrimination against LGBT people in Singapore by promoting the "against" petition. These groups also promote divisive discrimination by repeating homophobic claims commonly found in similar United States hate groups . We think it's time these groups truly respect all people living in Singapore and confirm they will help stop LGBT discrimination by working towards accepting and loving our LGBT family members and their natural and normal sexual orientation. Discrimination has no place in Singapore and these groups need to work towards a together Singapore not a divisive Singapore.
(Early Saturday morning, we just broke through their original target of 20,000 signatures and they only have 16,403 signatures.)
-- Petition closed --
We have collected 24722 of signatures and achieved the goal of the petition. Thank you for your participation! The opposing petition struggled to reach 20,000 signatures and they were running for a much longer time period. The opposing petition have lost, Adam is still going to do the concert. The only thing the opposing side has accomplished is embarrassing themselves and the groups that promoted their petition. This is a clear message to those people that their homophobic and discriminatory ways are not welcome in Singapore.
The "against" petition was altered, after they failed to win, to remove the most egregious homophobic slurs. Instead it was edited to make a false claim that the show was somehow changed by their petition when it wasn't. To be clear, the "against" petition did not cause any published change to the show at all. Their claim is an attempt by them to save face by creating yet more misleading statements. Unfortunately for them the screenshots of the petition before it was edited are widely available on news websites.
Due to commentators from the "against" petition leaving many homophobic messages the discussion thread has been closed.