Do You Want A Double Coupon Day @ Walmart?
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We are proposing that Walmart implement a Double Coupon Day. There are a lot of rumors out there that Walmart is going to double and we want to let you know that we support it. The ability to double coupons is a money saving strategy that has been used for many years.Walmart already has an incredible Price Match and Coupon Policy, here is what I propose to make it even better!
Double Coupon Policy
*Tuesday or Wed: These are unanimously the slowest days according to over 20 managers that I have spoke with. They also support a double coupon day.
*Double coupons up to a $1 maximum(.75c coupon doubles to $1)
*Limit of 4 like coupons per transaction, 1 transaction per household per day.
(it's okay with us if you want to double everyday!)
The benefits Walmart can expect:
*Increase market share with loyal one stop shoppers (not just on double days)
*Increase in traffic on normal slow days
*Increase in revenue and profits
Below are committed, loyal IHeartTheMarters
Paul Ivanovsky- Iheartthemart.com