What Happened to Chris Lighty?

On August 30, 2012 Darrell "Chris" Lighty was killed. Within 24 hours it was declared a suicide and the case was closed. DNA and gun testing to date are but two of many items that should be done to confirm the manner of death. Dr. Baden, who has been retained to perform a second autopsy has been hampered in his efforts as the evidence requested from the Bronx DA's office has not after nine months been given to him so that the autopsy can be done. What really happened to Chris? Will his children and family get justice? We implore the public for their support and those in his industry to speak out so that the questions that remain unanswered can be resolved. We implore the Bronx DA's office to officially reopen this case so that it can be investigated. If it were your loved one who died would you not want answers? So does the Lighty Family. Please help us.