Justice for Trooper

Charges of animal cruelty are pending against the owner of an emaciated golden retriever named Trooper who was dropped off at the BC SPCA's Maple Ridge Branch Feb. 28. The young adult male dog, whose matted fur was covered in dirt, mud and feces, was dropped off at the shelter by a man who claimed he found the dog near the intersection of 237th Street and Dewdney Trunk Road. A typical male golden retriever should weigh between 30 and 34 kilograms; Trooper weighed 11 kilograms (24 pounds) when he was brought in Feb. 28. "He actually weighed less than his bag of dog food when he was brought in but he is steadily gaining weight and it is being checked by a veterinarian every day," said Vosper. Please let's put pressure on the courts to make sure the owner "Mike" is charged with "Causing unnecessary suffering" 445.1 (1) of the criminal code and given the harshest sentence possible. This poor soul did not deserve this. This act of cruelty is inexcusable, unacceptable and unforgiveable no matter what the circumstances. We cannot let humans continue to be able to commit such horrendous acts without consenquence. Please sign this petition and pass it along to all animal lovers and humans alike.