\'Shomyah Kolaynu\' Hear Our Voices\'

You may mistakenly believe that there is not a thing you can do. The world around us is overwhelming. But we are here to tell you there is something YOU can do...YESH MA LASOT \"Because of the unique stress of the Redemption at this time, an astonishing question arises; \"How is it possible that despite all these signs, and all the people discussing the Geulah and Emunah, and the efforts by many Rabbeim; That the Geula has not come yet This is beyond all possible comprehension. It is also beyond comprehension that when ten (and many times ten) Jews gather together at a time that is appropriate for the Redemption to come, they do not raise a clamor great enough to cause the Geulah to come immediately. They are, Heaven forbid, able to accept the possibility that Geulah will arrive tonight, and even that It will not arrive tomorrow, or on the next day, Heaven forbid. \"Even when people cry out \'AD MOSAI\' (Until when) will we remain in Galus (exile) They do so only because they we told to \'Stay that is\'. If they only had sincere intent and earnest desire, and cried out in truth, Geulah would have surely come already\". \"What more can i do to motivate the entire Jewish people to clamor and cry out, and thus actually bring about the Geulah. \"All has been done until now has been done to no avail, for we are still in Galus; moreover, we are in an inner exile in regaud to our own service of Hashem. \"All that I can possibly do is to give this matter over to you. Now, do everything you can to bring the Geulah, here and now, immediately.\" \"Maybe it will be that ultimately ten Jews will be found who are stubborn enough to resolve to secure Hashem\'s consent to actually bring about the true and ultimate Geulah (Redemption), here and now immediately. Their stubborn resolve will surely envoke Hashem\'s favor, as reflected by the interpretation of the pasuk, \'For they are a stiff necked people;... You will pardon our sins and wrongdoings and make us Your possession.\' \"I have done whatever I can; From now on, you must do whatever you can. Mat it be Hashem\'s will that there will be one or two or three among you who will appreciate what needs to be done and how it needs to be done, and may you actually be successful and bring about the true and complete Geulah (Redemption). May this take place immediately, in the spirit of happiness and galdness of heart\". These were the words of Lubavitcher Rebbe but I can find no other words truer than these. Let it be that tens times tens of thousands will be found equal to the task and may we bring the Geulah together in joy amen. By placing your name here you are part of the minyan that will bring the Geulah Thank you from Yeshamlasot Reb Nathanael Kinstein of Breslev