Should minors be allowed to refuse tx

Dennis Lindberg was a 14 year old boy who made the decision, against his parents wishes, to refuse a blood transfusion that would have prevented his death. Dennis lived with his aunt, a Jehovah\'s Witness. The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society believes that blood transfusions must be refused on the basis that anyone who receives a blood transfusion has committed an unforgivable sin. The case (and death) of Dennis raises the question of whether a 14 year old is capable of (or should be responsible for) a level of maturity in making such a potentially devastating decision. It is our opinion that this is not the case, and we are trying to gather support from people who believe that children\'s lives are worth saving, obligatorily and without influence from religious organizations. Please show your support by signing this petition. The signatures gathered will go towards helping to influence local and state policies and legislation. Thank you.