Z Owners Against AMS (Canada) Sponsorship of ZCON 2013

The Z32 market is a close-knit community of enthusiasts who enjoy modifying, showing, and tracking their cars. These Z enthusiasts enjoy getting together and discussing their cars and hobby with other enthusiasts. Many feel so passionately about this that they decide to invest their own time and money into developing new parts to fill voids in the aftermarket. Many spend countless hours and thousands of dollars of their own money to develop parts, and often have successful launches. However, this period is very short lived. Enter Absolute Motor Specialties (AMS Motorsports).
AMS Motorsports, based in Canada, has been copying these innovators since early 2007. Their business model is simple; wait for a unique product to be developed, purchase it, send it to China for duplication, and sell it for significantly less than the original. AMS is able to sell these parts so cheaply because they are made of lesser quality materials with very little to no quality control (specific examples of copied products can be seen at this website: http://ams-pirates.com/). Some may say “competition is good for the consumer, right?” Wrong. Here is the key issue; the innovators who designed and created the original part haven’t even made their money back on their initial R&D investment, let alone make any well-earned profit before AMS undercuts them. This stifles innovation in the community. Why would anyone want to spend their own time and money developing a product for a niche market, only to have it knocked off – leaving them at a financial loss? Combine this unethical activity with the fact that many of the AMS parts have failed on their owners - potentially damaging vehicles, injuring drivers, and jeopardizing nearby vehicles (an especially dangerous scenario at the type of track events frequented by Z car owners). Clearly, AMS is not beneficial for the Z community.
This is hardly the kind of company that should be associated with events catering to true enthusiasts. A meeting of people sharing their love for Z cars is no place for a company which thrives on copying the hard work of these very enthusiasts. Many companies are distancing themselves from the ZCCA and ZCON events because of the association with AMS. There would be many more sponsors for these events, and a much happier atmosphere if the Z community didn’t have to deal with the negativity associated with AMS.
What can you do to help? First and foremost, sign this petition, and forward it on to other people who feel the same way. In the comments section, please be sure to list your Z club/website affiliation. Please do not make any personal comments in this section, or they will be removed - we are only looking for your club/website affiliation. Second, educate new Z owners about the real innovators - the people and companies doing real research and development on our 17+ year old platform. Third, work with your local Z car club to ensure that AMS is not permitted to sponsor any events, at any level. Last and most importantly, boycott AMS Motorsports and encourage others to do the same. There is no place in our tight-knit community for a company like that.