![People of Zakynthos - Give the Turtles a Chance!](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/assets/v4/images/default/petitionsThumbs/19.webp)
People of Zakynthos - Give the Turtles a Chance!
We, the undersigned, urge the people of Zakynthos in particular, and Greece in general, to: i) Comply with all State and EEC directives regarding the safeguarding of designated Caretta caretta nesting sites with immediate effect. ii) Insist on the removal of all illegal buildings and structures in designated nesting areas - this to be carried out with all possible haste. iii) In so far as it is possible, restore designated nesting areas to their natural state after implementation of item ii) above. Since the profit motive seems to be what is driving the illegal habitat destruction, we the undersigned furthermore pledge that, until all three items above have been completed in a satisfactory manner; a) We will not holiday in Zakynthos. b) We will boycott any holiday companies which send tourists to Zakynthos. c) We will encourage others by all means at our disposal to shun Zakynthos as a tourist destination. It is our earnest hope that these measures will be short-term and that the local inhabitants of Zakynthos and the citizens of Greece will come to their senses and demand that this national shame is quickly and compassionately expunged.