"No" to Unfair Treatment at Ikego School
So many of our military children/parents have been mistreated, disrespected, disregarded and treated like we were not important. Our family members are put in harm's way each and every day to protect our rights and our freedoms. Military families go through enough emotional changes without having problems with our child's school. We are supposed to feel confident that our children will receive a high quality education and that they will be safe.We have a right to be involved in our child's classroom without feeling like we are not welcome or pushed to the side. Our principal, teachers, and staff at Ikego School should be ready and willing to answer any questions or concerns that should arise without delay and without negative confrontation. We should not be talked to/treated in a disrespectful or nonprofessional manner or have untrue accusations brought against our children and families. If you welcome change for our school, Ikego Elementary, please sign this petition below. Say NO! to unfair treatment and practices!