More On Campus Minutes for D39C

UPDATE: Our Staff is listening and they want our survey data to help design next steps! I will be deactivating the petition and asking everyone to respond the the survey that will go out today with a quick 24 hour turn around. I will post the survey here when available. All of our points of view are valid so please make sure you respond so our staff has accurate data that represents the parents! Thank you everyone and this is a great step forward for the design process and a big THANK YOU to our Administration who empathizes and listens.
Other school districts and schools in our district are all going ON CAMPUS for learning 250 minutes or more this month except for ONE campus-- ours.
There is a way to keep kids that want to be on campus for this time and still work with our virtual learners successfully. It is true that one way doesn't work for everyone and so we have two options for our students. We are not forcing virtual students back on campus until they are ready so why should we be okay with forcing a virtual model on our students that chose in person learning? We are a DESIGN school and we have always empathized, pivoted and iterated in the most challenging of times. Let's keep doing that and not be the ONLY school in San Diego that has kids on campus for 2.5 hours per day. The state mandate for 250 teacher minutes is meant to get kids the education time they need safely and in person if that is chosen. All we are asking for is to follow district guidelines for in person instruction including 250 minutes for K-5 and full days for our middle school students. Our school culture has never been to not try because it seems "too complicated" when in fact many staff members have ideas and preparations in place to make concurrent learning effective and meaningful. Our middle schoolers have hardly been on campus at all and we are advocating for a longer day for them like all other districts are planning as it is safe and needed for many students. Please join me in signing this petition to let district and school administration know that we want as many minutes as we can spent on our distinguished campus and we believe this is possible.