Why Doesn't Atwater Have a 285-W Noise Barrier?
Throughout the 285/400 construction/expansion project, GDOT has built noise barriers along the way, with one glaring exception being from Roswell Road to Lake Forest Drive. Even though the extended stay motel across Roswell Road and the Board of Realtors across Lake Forest have had a noise barrier constructed, Atwater has not. GDOT has slated a noise barrier for our community as part of the next phase of the 285 expansion - part of the auxillarily lanes slated for 2026 (or beyond).
There are technicalities that GDOT used to deny construction of the noise barrier construction between Roswell Rd. and Lake Forest. GDOT determined that it was FEASIBLE to build the barrier - as it was the least expensive barrier in the entire project, but found it was not REASONABLE to construct. Mainly, because when GDOT performed sound/decibel level testing (2014-2015) there were only 2-3 residences situated on the plat that is now Atwater. Our argument is that there were permit applications for the development of Atwater and The Cliftwood (apartments up the street) on record and should have been considered when determining whether the noise barrier construction was "reasonable."
Please show your support for expedited noise barrier construction by "signing" this petition. This impacts all of us in Atwater. Let's protect our community's value and peaceful enjoyment!