5 for Fox
Zach Ederer 0

5 for Fox

Zach Ederer 0 Comments
197 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Our goal is to present Dr. Nisha Patel & the Fox C-6 Board of Education (located in Jefferson Co., MO) a petition to request a district wide return to a 5 day a week in person learning schedule for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. We are requesting that the school board hold an immediate meeting to discuss and vote to return schools back to the 5 day in person learning for those currently enrolled in the 4 day in person model. We are by no means asking for the elimination of the current 100% virtual learning program.

As their constituents, we appreciate the fair and democratic process that was used to survey us for the option to return to 4 days a week from the 2 day hybrid or 100% virtual options. We are requesting that this same process be translated now again.

We plan to prove that an overwhelming majority of the school district students, parents, faculty, and tax payers are in support of returning to school with full time in person learning (in schools where it is safe, manageable, & feasible; meaning this maybe only possible for all elementary and middle schools and not manageable for the high schools at this time due to the virtual learning program or it maybe possible for all schools with some adjustments made). It would be irresponsible for Dr. Patel & the Board to dismiss the oaths they took to be guardians of the public’s trust if they were to ignore our voice.

It is time we ALL take responsibility for the success of our local public education. Our children deserve a full education and the school board and superintendent need to provide that to the students of our district by an immediate vote to provide 5 day in person learning.

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