5 star and T-bone to perform a halftime show

5 Star & T Bone what an awesome pair. Two brothers who have dedicated their time and talent to the city of New Orleans, the Saints and the Who Dat Nation. I for one want to raise your awareness to these two who have written and produced a song dedicated to our New Orleans Saints every week. Thats right every week, every game. Don't you think it's about time that the city of New Orleans the Saints and the Who Dat Nation give them their due. A petition to allow 5 Star & T bone to perform in at least one halftime Home game and to play their songs at every tailgate party.Afterall who else do we know that can come up with a new song every week promoting the Saints and denouncing the opposing team. Hey!!! you don't have to take my word for it check them out yourselves. Mr.Benson,New Orleans Saints,Fox 8, city of New Orleans and the Who Dat Nation these young men have worked hard to celebrate this team.Listen to their music and give them that break they so deserve. I may sound a bit bias afterall they are my nephews but there's a whole lot of Who Dats that share my feelings. Okay Who Dats let me know how you feel. Lets push for for 5 Star & T bone