8:00am Rudolph Fitness Center (RFC) Weekend Opening Hours
As of right now, the Rudolf Fitness Center (RFC) at Gonzaga University opens at 10:00am on Saturdays and Sundays. The regular opening hour on the weekdays is 6:00am. There is clearly a large discrepancy between these two hours. Having initial access to the RFC beginning at 10:00am on the weekends is rather inconvenient - by that time, many students &/or faculty have other preexisting obligations, studies, meetings or jobs to attend to and can no longer find time later on in the day to make it into the RFC, thus missing their workout for the day. On any given weekday, a substantial number of students & faculty sign in to RFC between the operating hours of 6:00am-10:00am. Therefore, in further pursuit of Gonzaga University's mission values and its commitment to the education of the whole person in mind, body, and spirit, I (we) petition for earlier weekend opening hours for the RFC at a compromise of 8:00am on Saturday and Sunday - this way, more students & faculty will have a higher chance of achieving their fitness goals for the day by being able to access the facilities earlier at a more convenient time.